Christopher Moore's Blog

Miscellany from the Author Guy

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Bubbles!Christopher Moore is the New York Times bestselling author of ten eleven novels, including Lamb, A Dirty Job, You Suck and Fool.

Chris was born in Toledo, Ohio and grew up in Mansfield, Ohio. His father was a highway patrolman and his mother sold major appliances at a department store. He attended Ohio State University and Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara. He moved to California when he was 19 years old and lived on the Central Coast until 2003, when he moved to Hawaii. He has since moved to San Francisco.

Before publishing his first novel, Practical Demonkeeping in 1992, he worked as a roofer, a grocery clerk, a hotel night auditor, and insurance broker, a waiter, a photographer, and a rock and roll DJ. Chris has drawn on all of these work experiences to create the characters in his books. When he’s not writing, Chris enjoys ocean kayaking, scuba diving, photography, and sumi-e ink painting. He divides his time between Hawaii and San Francisco.

To find more information about Chris, you can visit:
His web site:
His MySpace page:
His popular community bulletin board:

Praise for Christopher Moore:


“Where has this guy been hiding?” — The New York Times

“A very sick man, in the very best sense of the word.” Carl Hiaasen

“Habit-forming zaniness.” USA Today

“The greatest satirist since Jonathan Swift” Denver Rocky Mountain News

“Christopher Moore writes novels that are not only hilarious, but fun to read as well. He is an author at the top of his craft.”
— Nicholas Sparks

“All [his] books exhibit the same marvelous virtues. Engaging, deftly limned protagonists whose human failings are always offset by surprising moral depths, heroes and villains alike. Zippy, jet-propelled plots whose parts are intricately connected and whose endings offer genuine surprises. Bright, clean, witty dialogue. Juicy descriptions, similes and metaphors in the hyperbolic mode. Vivid physical settings and cultural milieus, meticulously reported from first-hand experience….And – finally but essentially – ingenious fantasy elements that are integral with the other components of the books, engines of action, not just add-ons.”
Washington Post Book World

“The thinking man’s Dave Barry or the impatient man’s Tom Robbins, Moore takes cheap laughs where he can get them . . . over the last decade, he’s learned how to merge them into speculative romps that skip merrily in and out of the realm of possibility.”
The Onion

“Christopher Moore is rapidly becoming the cult author of today, filling a post last held by Kurt Vonnegut.”
Denver Post

“Christopher Moore deserves acclaim on the Dave Barry/Christopher Buckley level, or even beyond that, for he’s better than either of them.”
Fort Worth Star-Telegram

“Moore excels at putting a comic spin on cosmic issues.”
San Francisco Chronicle

“Moore is one of those rare writers who is laugh-out-loud funny.”
Santa Barbara Independent

“Moore’s comedic style is refreshingly relaxed and good-natured; when it comes time for him to deliver a satirical barb, he does so with reliable accuracy.”
San Francisco Examiner & Chronicle

“Moore’s storytelling style is reminiscent of Vonnegut and Douglas Adams.”
Philadelphia Inquirer


41 responses so far ↓

  • 1 MRW // Jan 14, 2009 at 11:24 pm

    This can’t be right, could no one have commented on Christopher’s writing? I have enjoyed all ten books. My first book was Fluke which my son and I listened to on tape. We are still laughing. I am looking forward to Fool. Humor is my favorite form of spirituality, thank you for riasing my spirits.

  • 2 sky // Feb 12, 2009 at 2:03 pm

    my absolute favorite of all your books is A Dirty Job, which i keep forcing my friends to read, they are amazed that there actually books that funny existing on this planet. I’m bring a couple of them to you Fool book signing in Santa Monica. I really do love all of your books tho. My own novel is finished soon and i owe you a lot, because your work was the thing that inspired me. See you tomorrow! 🙂

  • 3 Grace // Feb 25, 2009 at 7:01 am

    I don’t have a lot to say. I LOVE U AND YOUR NOVEL. Mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  • 4 Lisa // Mar 12, 2009 at 1:38 pm

    Christopher, I just heard you on NPR!!! And I’m in the middle of Lamb and loving it. You’re so prolific! Very admirable. I look forward to more of your work.

  • 5 David // Aug 3, 2009 at 5:57 pm

    Greetings; I found your book ‘Lamb’ abandoned in the hotel lobby of the Marriott Courtyard in Amsterdam about two and a half years ago. Since I was stuck there for about two years, I finally decided to read the book. Funniest thing I’d read since Hitchhikers Guide, and Dirk Gently. Since then I’ve read the rest of your works … fantastic. I still don’t understand the reversing door on the chapel in ‘The Stupidest Angel’, but hey, it’s your door and I guess it can swing whatever way you want it to! Cheers!

  • 6 Nancy // Oct 13, 2009 at 9:00 am

    How do you feel about your publisher putting out the Palin book…seriously, I’d boycott Harper Collins if it weren’t for you and Neil Gaiman. I know they are in the biz of selling books, but could you talk to them about this. You guys don’t belong in the same thinking universe, let alone in the same publishing house.

  • 7 Jenners // Jan 13, 2010 at 9:05 am

    I have no idea if you read this but a reader of my blog told me to e-mail you a copy of my review of your book “Lamb.” I didn’t find your e-mail (but maybe I’m just lazy) but I did try to send you a link via Twitter (again, I’m not good at Twitting) so now I’m attempting this:

    I just “discovered” you this year and think you are a writing genius. I’m steadily working my way through all your books. Happy to hear you have a new one coming out!

  • 8 norton bedford // Jan 28, 2010 at 5:22 pm

    K – am begging (yes) for more Abby – doing Pele’s dance of a thousand torches (in drag) in hopes prayers will be answered…..Aloha oi, a faceful of poi,
    a concerned reader.

  • 9 Kieli // Feb 26, 2010 at 8:55 pm

    I have to say, without a doubt, you are the most hilarious, sickest bastard on the planet and I love every word you’ve written. Haven’t laughed this hard in YEARS and I hope you come to this hideous red (no, blue…wait it’s red again…oh WTH?!) state of Virginia with your humor.

  • 10 Micki Daniel // Apr 13, 2010 at 6:47 pm

    Hey Chris,
    Just wanted you to know, I read everyday. Coyote Blue is still my favorite book of all time. You are so awesome.. sick, crazy and awesome…

    From a middle aged old lady who loves you!!!

  • 11 Lainey T // Apr 22, 2010 at 1:01 am

    Love your books, Chris. I’m making my way through all of them while I’m doing the unemployment thing. Lamb was brilliant, and Dirty Job was just so cleverly bizarre. But I’ve developed a fondness for the citizens of Pine Cove. Any chance you’ll write more about Pine Cove? I’d love to see a story featuring The Spider/Nailgun. I think underneath all his creepiness is a sweet guy needing love. Maybe he could hook up with a succubus? lol Thanks for creating such crazy, wonderful worlds to get lost in. 🙂

  • 12 Ben Ohmart // Apr 28, 2010 at 1:23 am

    Hi Chris! I LOVE your stuff and would very much like you to submit a short story for a humor lit journal I’m starting. There aren’t any lit journals for humor – so – I’m starting one! Please get in touch. Thanks.

  • 13 H4ck3r // May 9, 2010 at 11:34 am

    Love your books, Chris. I’m making my way through all of them while I’m doing the unemployment thing. Lamb was brilliant, and Dirty Job was just so cleverly bizarre. But I’ve developed a fondness for the citizens of Pine Cove. Any chance you’ll write more about Pine Cove? I’d love to see a story featuring The Spider/Nailgun. I think underneath all his creepiness is a sweet guy needing love. Maybe he could hook up with a succubus? lol Thanks for creating such crazy, wonderful worlds to get lost in.

  • 14 annie morgan // Jun 4, 2010 at 5:18 pm

    Just read Lamb….much more interesting than the New Testament. Laughed myself silly reading “Dirty Job”. Am now heading for “Practical Demonkeeping”.

  • 15 Christine // Jul 25, 2010 at 5:45 am

    I’m reading You Suck.
    I feel like I’m cheating on my man Steve, because I’m totally in love with it.
    Except, you know, being a bookwhore isn’t breaking any commandments or anything.
    So, I can live with myself.

  • 16 michael // Aug 11, 2010 at 2:05 pm

    read coyote blue many moons ago. loved it. read dirty job recently. loved it. now on rash of reading: you suck. loved it. blood sucking fiends. loved it. bite me. loved it. lamb. loved it – best gospel ever.
    these books are absurd, funny and fill me with inexplicable optimism.

  • 17 brasscupcakes // Aug 29, 2010 at 3:36 pm

    Have read and/or listened to audiotapes of all 12 books, every one a great read.

    Except for the Fluke audio-book — Bill Irwin’s a fine actor, but man was he off for that reading, especially compared to every other reader you’ve had, all of them very fine.

    Particularly Fool!

    (on the other hand, the bad audio for Fluke caused me to go out and buy the paper book, so maybe Irwin provided more double sales).

    Hope you’re working on something new?
    Hurry it up, would you my friend, cause I just finished Angel (got around to it last) and am CM-deprived!

  • 18 brasscupcakes // Aug 29, 2010 at 3:38 pm

    btw — H4ck3r’s right about Spider/Nailgun. Not sure about the lovable part, but I’d also like to see more of him!!! Highly entertaining character.

  • 19 Christine // Sep 1, 2010 at 6:16 am

    Finished You Suck in record time. Dare I say “to hell with the sparkly vampires”? Oh yes, I dare.
    Give me grown-up(ish) vamps any day, all day, and I’m a happy girl(ish).

  • 20 Christine // Sep 1, 2010 at 6:19 am

    So yeah, it was actually Love Bites that I finished in record time, not that it really needs clarifying.

    I’m just OCD like that, somebody sue me.

  • 21 Leigh // Nov 15, 2010 at 1:38 pm

    Husbnd and I are Huge fans of yours. Read most several times. Absolutely convinced that both Coyote Blue and the SQ Lv Nun should be made into movies. Anamation will help with CB.

  • 22 Russ // Sep 1, 2011 at 11:29 am

    Mister Christopher you rock my stripey socks!!!! All your books make me laugh so hard that I have to stop reading. Huge fan ever since I first read Blood Sucking Fiends! It’s not Christmas, but I’m re-re-re-reading Stupidest Angel. Looking forward to anything new that you do!

  • 23 Liza // Feb 28, 2012 at 6:22 pm

    I have read all but Fluke, and Bite Me, and I love all of them, especially Fool. You have made a bored, lonely housewife’s life a bit more interesting. Thank you.

  • 24 Megan // Mar 18, 2013 at 8:56 am

    I just finished reading “Lamb”. It reminds me of the saying “God is a comedian who plays to an audience afraid to laugh”.

  • 25 Monica // Dec 28, 2013 at 10:43 pm


  • 26 Norman // Oct 21, 2014 at 4:54 pm

    More Fool…please!

  • 27 Patrick Golden // Jun 15, 2018 at 5:01 pm

    Can it be a coincidence that Christopher Moore and P.J. O’Rourke were both born in Toledo? Both great satirists. I like to think it’s something in the water…or the Packo’s hot dogs.

  • 28 Christopher R Moore // Jun 18, 2018 at 12:30 am

    Back in 2010, I was deployed on the hospital ship USNS Mercy. One of my shipmates must have found your novel, Fool, in the ship’s library and thought it was funny that you and I shared a name. He left it on my rack, and I’ve been a fan ever since.

  • 29 Barb Good // Dec 22, 2018 at 9:25 am

    Christopher, I have read them all, several at least twice. I own Lamb, love it, and bought it for my son, and would own all of the rest if I wasn’t relying solely on Social Security. Yes, I am a senior citizen, and I love your humor! Please write something new soon! I keep checking! Thanks for writing great stories!

  • 30 Libby // Feb 18, 2019 at 12:12 am

    I have read all 11 books. I love all of them. I was curious about the use of the term “douche bag” as an adjective. Especially considering the warning at the beginning of the book about using language and terms from 1947. According to Google (your good friend) Ngram, the term was around but in looking at all examples of usage at that time, douche bag described a feminine hygiene device. Picking on you mostly for the fun of it. Please write more. I love your work and made my book club love it too.

  • 31 Melly Hayslette // Sep 20, 2019 at 9:42 am

    You’re hilarious! I’m glad you exist. 😀

  • 32 Vanessa Tortolano // Feb 12, 2020 at 10:15 pm

    When is Lamb going to be made into a feature film? I feel like the people that did Deadpool 1&2 could hit the funny part on the head. Plus awesome opportunity for diverse casting. I just read Lamb for the 3rd or 4th time and I’ve thought it since I read the first chapter. I wish I knew how to write screenplays just so I could do it. Gah! It would be such a great movie!!

  • 33 Deb // Apr 5, 2020 at 9:30 pm

    Love all your books, especially Island of the
    Sequined Love Nun. I’ve read it multiple times, which I rarely do. Have preordered the new one. Stay healthy!

  • 34 Julie // Apr 12, 2020 at 4:00 pm

    I feel like in times such as these, where uncertainty, fear, and anxiety rule the day, that more Abigail Von Normal would solve everything. Please please please please (did I mention please?) will you write another book in the Bloodsucking Fiends series? Begging.
    Thank you for sharing your extraordinary talent with the world, you make it a better place.

  • 35 kualitasqq // Jul 14, 2020 at 9:22 pm

    Awesome, thanks for share

  • 36 Soyoun Kim // Dec 4, 2020 at 8:15 pm

    Hi Mr Christopher Moore 🙂
    We are Korean Kids fashion brand and we would like to use your quote on our package…
    the quote is “children see magic because they look for it” and we will also indicate your name with the quote for sure. Could we have permission and let us know if you charge for it 🙂

    Thank you very much!
    Soyoun Kim

  • 37 Adriana V. DiFranco // Feb 22, 2021 at 10:51 am

    Wait a minute!! You’re from OHIO?????? How did I NOT know that???!!!

    No WONDER you’re so smart and funny!!


    My neighborhood book club is reading Sacre Bleu this month. I’m really enjoying it!

    Please keep up the excellent silliness!

    I guess I’ll see you at the next Ohioans Stop TimeIntergalacticc Meeting!

    –Adriana DiFranco
    Chapel Hill, NC

    (grew up in Mayfield Heights – East side of Cleveland – and lives nowhere near there now)

  • 38 Cherrie // Mar 6, 2021 at 2:04 pm

    Just sent “it’s a dirty job” to my cousin who is sick and a little depressed. My therapist gave me “Dirty Job” to make me laugh when I was depressed years ago. ( The audio book read by Fisher Stevens.) My favorite memory of listening to the book in my car was when I spit my coffee all over the inside of the windshield, laughing. Great spiritual medicine, laughing.

  • 39 Allen Riberdy // Nov 17, 2021 at 12:50 pm

    I totally agree with MRW, the first commenter from 12 years ago. Mr. Moore (how does one refer to the author on whose blog you are commenting? Mr. Moore, you, Chris, Christopher, or perhaps a pronoun without an antecedent — he. I mean, we all know of whom we are speaking) is an amazing writer with enough literary references and stuff that I wonder if the reviewers from all the newspapers paid attention. Oh, and if he reads this, please tell me that “Criminal Presidents” was a reference to Trollope.

  • 40 Sam Comollo // May 25, 2024 at 12:19 am

    Chris, thanks for showing me I can have a relationship with Jesus and all be the wretched, irreverent human I am. Seriously, Tuo what I assume is my parents chagrin, I finally feel worthy of baring the moniker Christian. Were you pretty introspective growing up? You’ve got a quirkyness I perceive from the few photos it seems you allow out into the world. So is the writing a way to shine out through your reservedness, or is class clown more apt?

    Cheers Brother,

  • 41 Sam Comollo // May 25, 2024 at 12:21 am

    Chris, thanks for showing me I can have a relationship with Jesus and still be the wretched, irreverent human I am. Seriously, to what I assume is my parents chagrin, I finally feel worthy of baring the moniker Christian. Were you pretty introspective growing up? You’ve got a quirkyness I perceive from the few photos it seems you allow out into the world. So is the writing a way to shine out through your reservedness, or is class clown more apt?

    Cheers Brother,

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