Christopher Moore's Blog

Miscellany from the Author Guy

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Double Secret Mystery Blog

February 19th, 2009 · 3 Comments

I’m not supposed to put this on my blog until next week, but I think it’s okay to link to it, so here’s the guest blog I’m doing for the spiffy people at Powell’s Book Store:

Oh Hai, You must be Brazilian.


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The Fool Book Group Meeting Video

February 10th, 2009 · 11 Comments

Four videos. Just me meeting with some readers who read one of the advanced copy of Fool, plus,
at the end, the complete works of Shakespeare explained:


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A New Author Guy Interview

February 8th, 2009 · 3 Comments

A New Author Guy Interview

More of my self-involved crap presented
by the Arts magazine at the University of Texas as Dallas:

It’s PDF, so you can open it in your browser or download it…

My Lovely, Lovely Crap

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What if the Crusaders had Trained T-Rexes

February 4th, 2009 · 5 Comments

In which author Michael P. Spradlin and I interview each other about new novels and shed light on the Dark Ages… answering age-old questions…

Authors in the Dark

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Hey, Chicago, Minneapolis, Boston, Phoenix, Detroit, Toronto, Guess what?

January 28th, 2009 · 20 Comments

Chicken Butt!

That’s right, I’ve gotten the final confirmation on the tour, and all those cities that were on stand-by?

No! Big ginormous No to you. Turns out, that the economy is, uh, not doing that well, so my five week tour is, uh, two weeks long.

I guess the powers that be are punishing Chicago and Friends because I ate a Snickers out of the mini-bar on the last tour

and costs got out of hand.

But the good news is, you can order SIGNED first edtions from the links below. But you need to get your orders in BEFORE February 10th, so they’ll have the books on hand for me to sign when I get there.

Fool and/or Lamb (Lamb’s the leather edition, not a first edition.)

Canadians – I’m pretty sure both these stores will ship to Canada, but you’re going to have to call them.

Now, Chicago didn’t make the cut, so don’t go on about why I’m not coming to your town. Because I think we all know that Chicago can kick the ass of your wussy little town. Maybe the economy will recover by the time the paperback comes out and then I can come to everyone’s house and personally read the book to you.

Here’s the tour as it stands. We still may add Capitola and Petaluma, California, but for now (check back for corrections, too, times and whatnot, if you’re coming to an event):

Christopher Moore’s Fool Tour

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January 27th, 2009 · 6 Comments

I’m starting to feel like Billy Mays, that guy that sells Oxy Clean on TV by screaming at you. (Who, I would, by the way, like to see in a death match with Chris Matthews,  a yell-off, if you will.)

But still. Can you believe it?!!!  William Morrow is going to give away a bunch of Fool hats, signed copies of Fool, and an Iphone, to the readers who posts the funniest pictures of themselves, their kid, or the pets, or all three, and their copy of Fool on the site below.

I know, you can’t get your pictures in quite yet, but a lot of you have access to an advanced readers copy, I think that counts. I’ve been wearing my Fool hat around town for about a month, and I can tell you, it gets attention.

Details are forthcoming.

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Author Guy Fans Save the Economy, And Get Free Fun!

January 27th, 2009 · 12 Comments

Everyone is saying two things about the economy. First, it won’t get better until people start spending money, and it won’t get better until banks start lending money.

I know that you guys are going to do your part by buying Fool when it comes out, and books are expensive. You guys are going to fix the economy by making that simple purchase. And banks will be all, “Hey, they put this book on thier card. Let’s lend out some of this major bank that the congress gave us.”

So, in thanks to you, until February 10, when Fool comes out, you can read A Dirty Job, my 9th and very funny book, for free. FREE!  No, you can’t download it, or save it, but you can read it.


Have Fun!

PS: PS. Hey, I know you most of you guys are saying you’ve read this book already (bless you, my children), but what a great opportunity to turn a friend on to giant hellhounds and other Dirty Job goodness without risking losing your own precious, glow in the dark copy. Send them the link.

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Me, talkin’ like a big tard, about Fool.

January 24th, 2009 · 7 Comments

Me talking about my book, Fool.

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A Crystal Heart

January 19th, 2009 · 46 Comments

I watched the Inaugural celebration at the Lincoln Memorial. There were singers singing about freedom, and actors reading the words of great Americans from the past. And above it that great stone effigy of Lincoln scowling down like a great prophet who had delivered his message of freedom and was waiting to see how badly we’re going to fuck it up.

And I have to admit it, I got a little choked up.

And I thought,
Am I being cynical enough?

I thought,
Do I need to keep my guard up?

I thought,
Am I being suspicious enough?

I thought,
Will people think me a fool, if I’m earnest in my hope?

Then I realized, I wasn’t choked up
Because of the Rosa Parks story
Or the Lincoln quotes
Or the talk of a nation built on an idea.

I was choked up because I was tired.
Ever been that tired?
So tired you feel like you might weep?
I was tired of being lied to, and manipulated, and treated without respect,
Like I was some sort of moron.
I was tired of freedom and love of country being thrown in my face
Like ads for soap, in order to sell an unjust agenda.
I was tired of my patriotism being questioned because I had the audacity
To point out that I was being lied to.
By leaders who became avatars of cynicism, and doubt, and mistrust.
And yes, death.

I was exhausted.
And cynical.

Shouldn’t I be?

Because if I go into this new era,
With a heart clear of cynicism,
I could get hurt.
I could look the fool.
I could get heartbroken.

Cynicism seems so attractive when compared to heartbreak.
You could be cool.
Heartless, but cool.

When I was talking about Death a lot.
I talked about how we may not all charge the machine gun nest
Or save the passengers from the freezing water
Or carry the child out of the burning building
But we would, we will, all face death
Maybe many times.
And how we behave at those times
Is the measure of our courage, of our character.

And so maybe now,
Like taking the chance to fall in love,
We face another one of those moments,
But instead of facing it one at a time
Small, trying moments, large in our little lives
We face this together.

We can be cynical. Hold back. Be safe.
We can be suspicious, and doubtful,
Or we can go forth openly, hopefully
With a heart
Clear of the cloud of cynicism.

A crystal heart.

And if I were still on speaking terms with God,
That’s what I’d pray for.
A crystal heart.
Clear in purpose,
Clear in righteousness
Clear in resolve
For us all.

And it might get broken.
And it will take courage to face that.
And it will hurt like a bitch if it does.

But then again,
Have you ever fallen in love?
Pure, sweet, illuminating, edifying love?
It makes us better than we could ever be.
Stronger, taller, kinder, more generous.
Tolerant, patient, and assured.

Should I be more cynical?

Should I be more suspicious?

Should I keep my guard up?

I think not.

To be right, to save face in retrospect, to live for the hope
Of profitable hindsight.
Is safe, and shallow and cowardly
And more likely to bring about a future darker than today.

No, I think I’ll go into this fresh American future
With a crystal heart.
Take the risk.

After all, you guys will all be there.
We’ll all be there.

Thanks for helping me think this through.

Happy Martin Luther King Day
Happy Inauguration

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Signed Books – Even in Monkey Butt!!!

January 13th, 2009 · 6 Comments

Due to the overwhelming whinage in the blog comments, we’re going to make signed copies of Fool available to you guys who are outside of the tour area. I probably won’t be able to personalize them, but they’ll be firsts and they’ll be signed by me. Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore will be handling the transactions and mailing. (I am only signing them. That’s it. Do not complain to me about shipping and whatnot. I don’t know about Canada yet. )

Here’s the link: ORDER SIGNED FOOLS

This is a brand new link. They’ll be adding specifics about it being signed and whatnot soon, but if you order, it is for the sighed book.

They have to order the books and have them in the store on the 12th of February when I get there, so don’t wait around if you want one. There won’t be a make-up test. Sorry I won’t get to hang out with you in person, but you can clasp your signed book and watch the upcoming virtual book group video and it will be just like we’re BFFs.

More bookstores may come on line for mail order. Stay tuned.

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