Christopher Moore's Blog

Miscellany from the Author Guy

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One Day, Out and About in London

July 22nd, 2007 · No Comments

Regent’s Park…

Trafalgar Square…

The Museum of Natural History

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French Polar Bears in a Train Station

June 29th, 2007 · 2 Comments

Hey kids. I’m sure most of you know that I’ve been working on my movie script, Polar Bears on a Train, but while I was at the Musee D’orsay in Paris, I was inspired to do this short — call it — prequel for you.


Perhaps you are asking, "What is this polar bear doing in a train station, speaking with this outrageous French accent? Non?" Allow me please to smile.

"You might just as well ask yourself, why are these two looking so in love, and so, how you say — delicious?"

Permit me to smile once again, Sil vou plais…

Bon Jour, Monssiers!

Perhaps you have met my friend, the milky-skinned Demoiselle with no arms behind you. "Why does she have no arms?" You ask.

I am mysterious, like the Mona Lisa, No?

Mon Dieu! Your friend seems to have disappeared. Perhaps he boarded a train…

Perhaps not… heh, heh, heh

Permit me to nap, Sil vou plais. I must, how you say, digest my day.

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June 26th, 2007 · No Comments

Hey kids, I’m finally back from Europe. Let’s just pretend I’m still there and I’ll share some impressions and images from my travels. Let’s start with one day in Paris…

Tragically, minutes later, Jaques would find out why you NEVER sit in the anchor dropping seat.

Slowly, but surely, Hitler planned his invasion of Paris. And this time, it would take!

What, and not work in the arts!?!

"Yes, I know I’m late, and no, I didn’t get the memo about the wardrobe change."

After a few minutes of deliberations, the soldiers decided to surrender to two girls who were enjoying their lunch on the steps.

Every time Christo visited it took them months to get things ready to show again…

‘ />

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And So it Goes…

April 12th, 2007 · No Comments

Well fuck. Kurt died. Fuck. I’ll write about this. But not now. Fuck.

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The Horror of Reality TV

March 1st, 2007 · No Comments

Okay, kids, for those of you who missed the tour, this is basically what happened:


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Ann Arbor is a Go

February 15th, 2007 · No Comments

The event in Ann Arbor tonight is on. (2/15/07) The weather let up and I was able to get a plane to Detroit.

Check the tour schedule at for details.

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Toronto signing Cancelled

February 14th, 2007 · No Comments

Hey kids, All the flights out of Boston to Toronto have been cancelled today, so the event tonight in Toronto is cancelled. (2/14/07)

Stay tuned for Ann Arbor. Flights look very sketchy for tomorrow as of now. Those of you who are traveling to Ann Arbor, don’t leave early. I’ll try to post here as soon as I know if it’s a go.



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I’m bringing Sixy back…

January 31st, 2007 · No Comments

You Suck stays at #6 on the NY Times List

Evidently, the force is strong with this one…

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Call me…

January 24th, 2007 · No Comments

His Sixness….

I shall now be even more insufferable.

Thank you.

Drive thru, please

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A New Interview

January 10th, 2007 · No Comments

A new but short interview.

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